1,088 research outputs found

    Fast and robust learning by reinforcement signals: explorations in the insect brain

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    We propose a model for pattern recognition in the insect brain. Departing from a well-known body of knowledge about the insect brain, we investigate which of the potentially present features may be useful to learn input patterns rapidly and in a stable manner. The plasticity underlying pattern recognition is situated in the insect mushroom bodies and requires an error signal to associate the stimulus with a proper response. As a proof of concept, we used our model insect brain to classify the well-known MNIST database of handwritten digits, a popular benchmark for classifiers. We show that the structural organization of the insect brain appears to be suitable for both fast learning of new stimuli and reasonable performance in stationary conditions. Furthermore, it is extremely robust to damage to the brain structures involved in sensory processing. Finally, we suggest that spatiotemporal dynamics can improve the level of confidence in a classification decision. The proposed approach allows testing the effect of hypothesized mechanisms rather than speculating on their benefit for system performance or confidence in its responses

    Heteroclinic synchronization: Ultrasubharmonic locking

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    According to the traditional view of synchronization, a weak periodic input is able to lock a nonlinear oscillator at a frequency close to that of the input (1∶1 zone). If the forcing increases, it is possible to achieve synchronization at subharmonic bands also. Using a competitive dynamical system we show the inverse phenomenon: with a weak signal the 1∶1 zone is narrow, but the synchronization of ultrasubharmonics is dominant. In the system’s phase space, there exists a heteroclinic contour in the autonomous regime, which is the image of sequential dynamics. Under the action of a weak periodic forcing, in the vicinity of the contour a stable limit cycle with long period appears. This results in the locking of very low-frequency oscillations with the finite frequency of the forcing. We hypothesize that this phenomenon can be the origin for the synchronization of slow and fast brain rhythms.This work was supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Grant No. 7R01-NS-38022, National Science Foundation Grant No. EIA-0130708, Spanish MEC BFI2003-07276, and Fundación BBVA

    Transient cognitive dynamics, metastability, and decision making

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    Transient Cognitive Dynamics, Metastability, and Decision Making. Rabinovich et al. PLoS Computational Biology. 2008. 4(5) doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000072The idea that cognitive activity can be understood using nonlinear dynamics has been intensively discussed at length for the last 15 years. One of the popular points of view is that metastable states play a key role in the execution of cognitive functions. Experimental and modeling studies suggest that most of these functions are the result of transient activity of large-scale brain networks in the presence of noise. Such transients may consist of a sequential switching between different metastable cognitive states. The main problem faced when using dynamical theory to describe transient cognitive processes is the fundamental contradiction between reproducibility and flexibility of transient behavior. In this paper, we propose a theoretical description of transient cognitive dynamics based on the interaction of functionally dependent metastable cognitive states. The mathematical image of such transient activity is a stable heteroclinic channel, i.e., a set of trajectories in the vicinity of a heteroclinic skeleton that consists of saddles and unstable separatrices that connect their surroundings. We suggest a basic mathematical model, a strongly dissipative dynamical system, and formulate the conditions for the robustness and reproducibility of cognitive transients that satisfy the competing requirements for stability and flexibility. Based on this approach, we describe here an effective solution for the problem of sequential decision making, represented as a fixed time game: a player takes sequential actions in a changing noisy environment so as to maximize a cumulative reward. As we predict and verify in computer simulations, noise plays an important role in optimizing the gain.This work was supported by ONR N00014-07-1-0741. PV acknowledges support from Spanish BFU2006-07902/BFI and CAM S-SEM-0255-2006

    A Fisher consistent multiclass loss function with variable margin on positive examples

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    The concept of pointwise Fisher consistency (or classification calibration) states necessary and sufficient conditions to have Bayes consistency when a classifier minimizes a surrogate loss function instead of the 0-1 loss. We present a family of multiclass hinge loss functions defined by a continuous control parameter. representing the margin of the positive points of a given class. The parameter. allows shifting from classification uncalibrated to classification calibrated loss functions. Though previous results suggest that increasing the margin of positive points has positive effects on the classification model, other approaches have failed to give increasing weight to the positive examples without losing the classification calibration property. Our lambda-based loss function can give unlimited weight to the positive examples without breaking the classification calibration property. Moreover, when embedding these loss functions into the Support Vector Machine's framework (lambda-SVM), the parameter. defines different regions for the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. A large margin on positive points also facilitates faster convergence of the Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm, leading to lower training times than other classification calibrated methods. lambda-SVM allows easy implementation, and its practical use in different datasets not only supports our theoretical analysis, but also provides good classification performance and fast training times.The authors acknowledge the referees' comments and suggestions that helped to improve the manuscript. This research is based upon work supported in part by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Finance Division. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon. I.R-L acknowledges partial support by Spain's grants TIN2013-42351-P (MINECO) and S2013/ICE-2845 CASI-CAM-CM (Comunidad de Madrid). The authors gratefully acknowledge the use of the facilities of Centro de Computacion Cientifica (CCC) at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

    Origin of coherent structures in a discrete chaotic medium

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    Using as an example a large lattice of locally interacting Hindmarsh-Rose chaotic neurons, we disclose the origin of ordered structures in a discrete nonequilibrium medium with fast and slow chaotic oscillations. The origin of the ordering mechanism is related to the appearance of a periodic average dynamics in the group of chaotic neurons whose individual slow activity is significantly synchronized by the group mean field. Introducing the concept of a "coarse grain" as a cluster of neuron elements with periodic averaged behavior allows consideration of the dynamics of a medium composed of these clusters. A study of this medium reveals spatially ordered patterns in the periodic and slow dynamics of the coarse grains that are controlled by the average intensity of the fast chaotic pulsation

    Exploiting plume structure to decode gas source distance using metal-oxide gas sensors

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    Estimating the distance of a gas source is important in many applications of chemical sensing, like e.g. environmental monitoring, or chemically-guided robot navigation. If an estimation of the gas concentration at the source is available, source proximity can be estimated from the time-averaged gas concentration at the sensing site. However, in turbulent environments, where fast concentration fluctuations dominate, comparably long measurements are required to obtain a reliable estimate. A lesser known feature that can be exploited for distance estimation in a turbulent environment lies in the relationship between source proximity and the temporal variance of the local gas concentration – the farther the source, the more intermittent are gas encounters. However, exploiting this feature requires measurement of changes in gas concentration on a comparably fast time scale, that have up to now only been achieved using photo-ionisation detectors. Here, we demonstrate that by appropriate signal processing, off-theshelf metal-oxide sensors are capable of extracting rapidly fluctuating features of gas plumes that strongly correlate with source distance. We show that with a straightforward analysis method it is possible to decode events of large, consistent changes in the measured signal, so-called ‘bouts’. The frequency of these bouts predicts the distance of a gas source in wind-tunnel experiments with good accuracy. In addition, we found that the variance of bout counts indicates cross-wind offset to the centreline of the gas plume. Our results offer an alternative approach to estimating gas source proximity that is largely independent of gas concentration, using off-the-shelf metal-oxide sensors. The analysis method we employ demands very few computational resources and is suitable for low-power microcontrollers

    Optimal serverless networks attacks, complexity and some approximate algorithms

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    A network attack is a set of network elements that are disabled by an adversary. The goal for the attack is to produce the most possible damage to the network in terms of network connectivity by disabling the least possible number of network elements. We show that the problem of finding the optimal attack in a serverless network is NP-Complete even when only edges or nodes are considered for disabling. We study a node attack policy with polynomial complexity based on shorter paths and show that this attack policy outperforms in most cases classical attacks policies such as random attack or maximum degree attack. We also study the behavior of different network topologies under these attack policies

    Distributed classifier based on genetically engineered bacterial cell cultures

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    We describe a conceptual design of a distributed classifier formed by a population of genetically engineered microbial cells. The central idea is to create a complex classifier from a population of weak or simple classifiers. We create a master population of cells with randomized synthetic biosensor circuits that have a broad range of sensitivities towards chemical signals of interest that form the input vectors subject to classification. The randomized sensitivities are achieved by constructing a library of synthetic gene circuits with randomized control sequences (e.g. ribosome-binding sites) in the front element. The training procedure consists in re-shaping of the master population in such a way that it collectively responds to the "positive" patterns of input signals by producing above-threshold output (e.g. fluorescent signal), and below-threshold output in case of the "negative" patterns. The population re-shaping is achieved by presenting sequential examples and pruning the population using either graded selection/counterselection or by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We demonstrate the feasibility of experimental implementation of such system computationally using a realistic model of the synthetic sensing gene circuits.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Static and dynamic properties of small-world connection topologies based on transit-stub networks

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    Many real complex networks are believed to belong to a class called small-world (SW) networks. SW networks are graphs with high local clustering and small distances between nodes. A standard approach to constructing SW networks consists of varying the probability of rewiring each edge on a regular graph. As the initial substrate for the regular graph some specific topologies are usually selected such as ring-lattices or grids. However, these regular graphs are not suitable for modeling certain hierarchical topologies. A new regular substrate is proposed in this paper. The proposed substrate resembles topologies with certain hierarchical propertiesmore accurately. Then, different dynamics inspired by networking protocols are used to characterize dynamical properties of a network. Measuring transmission times and error rates lead us to consider networks with SW features as the most reliable and fastest, regardless of the routing policies.We thank the MCyT (BFI 2000-015). (RH) was also funded by DE-FG03-96ER14092 and (CA) was supported by ARO-MURI grant DAA655-98-1-0249 during a four month stay at UCSD. We also thank Lev Trimsing for useful discussion

    Los mapas conceptuales en Educación Matemática: antecedentes y estado actual de la investigación

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    Este trabajo tiene por objeto mostrar los avances de un proyecto de investigación más amplio que se encuentra en la fase experimental. Se discute la noción de mapa conceptual y se reinterpreta desde las matemáticas, se revisa el estado de la investigación sobre esta herramienta y sus usos para la investigación en Educación Matemática y se expone, finalmente, la fase experimental del proyecto, haciendo hincapié en los participantes y en los objetivos. Se incluye un conjunto abundante de referencias que dan cuenta de los mapas conceptuales en la investigación, en contextos diferentes